Review of Mark’s Daily Apple

For the September issue of the magazine YourLife, I was interviewed by a journalist about my views of the recent trend with exercise forms that are both hard and integrate the whole body, like cross-fit and military training. It was quite flattering for me, who was always very ordinary in sports, to get to talk about exercise alongside the fitness icon Dolph Lundgren…

I gave a rather dull psychologist-answer: that these forms of exercise look really impressing, but for the majority of people the big challenge is to start exercising at all. Since then I have been following occasionally the blog Mark’s Daily Apple, and in spite of my misgivings, I do find it quite fascinating. I have even tried a couple of the concepts of the blog, like barefoot running, and I like it a lot.

Mark’s Daily Apple is the blog of former triathlet Mark sisson about ”grok-living” or ”following the primal blueprint”. The idea is that since the human race have spent most of its days as hunterers-gatherers, our genes are programmed to certain forms of diet and exercising, and if we obey the rules of our genes, we’ll be much more healthy and happy. The diet is very similar to what we in Sweden call LCHF – but with a lot of vegetables and somewhat more carbohydrates. The exercise is a combination of barefoot running, heavy lifting, sprints etc.


These are the strong points that I find in the concepts of Sisson:

* For a person who wants to stay healthy in our modern society, there are many temptations. Where I live they have recently placed an automatic vending machine for candy, so we can basically get it any time of the day, like if you return tired from work at 10 pm. Here it can be a great help to work together with other people to keep on a healthy track, like I see people doing at MDA. See for example this video.

* The exercise ideas seem quite sane to me, Sisson carefully stresses that it is important not to exercise too much. Training two to four times per week is encouraged.

* As ways of losing weight, LCHF and paleo might have some advantages. Swedish speaking readers can find good reviews of the research on this on träningslä

* Sisson also have some very interesting posts on IBS and depression – in short there are some very preliminary evidence that this diet might be helpful with these and some other nasty conditions. I would be very interested in seeing more research about this.

* There is something in the general ambiance of this site that I like a lot. Some sort of warm enthusiasm that is caring about Mother Nature.

The flip-side of the coin

I also see weaker spots:

The concept of primal living

The big components of the primal lifestyle seem to be diet and exercise. The more you read the blog, the more this lifestyle seems attractive and self-evident. But in fact there is no real logic that one need to package together paleo-diet with particular forms of exercise. The ”primal” people do not seem so interested in paleolitic dancing or caveman worship, for instance. Living ”Grok” is a nice and cosy idea that may appear really authentic, but in fact, it is very much a concept that is adapted to the modern 21-century rich world (Grok is the imagined forefather that you want to imitate in this lifestyle).

Some people seem to feel that Primal/Grok lifestyle resonates perfectly with how they want to live their lives, and for them of course this is a way to a more healthy and fulfilled life. But for the many of us who are struggling with keeping an exercise regime at all, it might be too difficult a task to try and model both our exercising and our diet according to these concepts. The threshold might be too big.

My suspicion that this is not so much a concept for ordinary couch-potatoes, is supported by the fact that most of the people featured on the blog seem to have been fitness nerds already before they started with the ”primal” lifestyle.

I see a larger problem of public health here. Around 50 % of the population in the western world are chronic couch potatoes, and don’t even take walks regularly. This is a huge public health problem. They are at risk for all sorts of serious diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other. I think many of these people have negative views of themselves and negative views of exercising that makes it more difficult for them to stick with some exercise habits. They might think that exercising is not for them, or that exercising are for ”nuts” (hurtbuns, we say in Swedish…). These views might be reinforced by looking that sites like MDA.

If you look at magazines, newspapers or on the internet, there are tons of information geared towards people who are already into exercising, but very scarce material for all those people who need help to get started with some simple exercising and to learn to stick with it.

So this critique does not concern only MDA, but I really think it might be helpful it if was more sincere about targeting people who already have healthy lifestyles.

What life does this really lead to?

While I find the general ambiance on the blog quite nice and relaxed, in the forums I see signs that many people maybe take this lifestyle a little bit too seriously. In this thread for instance people seriously debate if one ought have some sugar after exercising. Of course, there might be some way of scientifically answer this issue, but I can’t help but thinking: aren’t there more exciting things to do in life than debating this? The other day I saw a Zumba clip on YouTube. They use the word ”party” in every sentence, and when compared to some things on MDA, Zumba seems a much more vibrant and fun way of spending your leisure time if you want to become fit.

Too much focus on ”looking gourgeous”

I get quite a mixed picture here. Often I get the impression that this is a concept where you want to turn your back to many of the things of contemporary life, like TV, cars and big cities, and live closer to nature and the basics of existence. But at the same time, there is a lot of focus on how the primal lifestyle makes you look good in a conventional 21-century way.

As far as my understanding goes, the paleolitic man didn’t have the resources to worry about how (s)he was looking – they didn’t even have mirrors. And if they wanted to change their bodies in some way, I believe their primary dream would be to be more fat.

An example is the recently published story about a woman who is around 50 and she starts out with a body quite normal for her age, not at all overweight or obese. She then does an ambitious ”primal” plan and in the end there are photos where she smiles and has a body of a traditional ”skinny model”. And then there are dozens of comments where people praise her work with words like ”you look gourgeous”. This is the type ot text that I would absolutely not want any insecure teenage girl to read. It really supplies a recipy for eating disorders complete with diet and exercise tips, and literally promises that losing a lot of weight will give you appreciation and love.


So in the end my review is quite mixed. The concept of following the primal blueprint might have a lot offer to some people but I would strongly encourage Sisson and his friends to take a closer look on their attitude to ”looking great”.

Notes: Mark Sissons book on Adlibris, Bokus.
Swedish text
on ”primal” exercise.

5 reaktioner till “Review of Mark’s Daily Apple”

  1. Hejsan!
    Fin och objektiv recension av Mark’s Daily Apple. Jag uppskattar förstås verkligen allt arbete han har lagt ner på sin blogg, och det helhetskoncept han har byggt upp runt idéen att vi bör leva efter snarlika principer som våra förfäder. Han skriver ju verkligen om allt från kost och träning till sömn, stress, lek och psyke.
    Man behöver förstås inte ta till sig av allt och helt förändra sin livsstil för att uppskatta Mark’s Daily Apple, utan det viktigaste budskapet där är ändå kosten, då den anses ha allra störst betydelse för vår hälsa.
    Det som jag själv ser som mest negativt med hans blogg nu för tiden är att allt har blivit mer och mer inriktat på försäljning av produkter som hans egentillverkade proteintillskott, böcker och små e-böcker. Å andra sidan, han gör det här på heltid och bör få tjäna pengar som alla andra.

    Har du kollat något på Emely Deans sida förresten?
    Om inte så tror jag säkerligen den kan vara av intresse 🙂

  2. Tack för responsen!
    Tack också för tipset – det verkar riktigt intressant – ska kolla mer på detta. Jag ska också hålla ögonen på din blogg.
    Allt gott!

  3. Absolut, och även att paleokosten, eller ren och riktig mat, ofta medför att man får i sig fetter av bra kvalitet som ska ha positiv påverkan på hjärnan, och i många fall förbättra tillstånd som t ex ADHD och epilepsi.
    Jag har en vän som jobbar som psykoterapeut, och enligt honom pratades det väldigt lite om kosten kopplad till det mentala välmåendet under hans utbildning. Jag vet inte hur mycket krut man lägger på den biten i normala fall, men han brukar tydligen prata lite med sina patienter om kost också.

  4. Tack för att du tar upp detta – jag lägger det till min lista över saker jag vill titta närmre på, hur man kan närma sig frågor kring kost och sånt i det här jobbet. Ska kolla mer på de där länkarna.
    Hälsningar Daniel

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